Protrol Comtrade Converter

The  Comtrade Converter can be downloaded to a folder of choice on the computer that will be used for the file conversion. It is possible to chose a valid template with configurations to start from (.ini file). After this step, specify the file that should be converted (.log-, .txt-, .xls- or .xlsx file). The Comtrade Converter makes it possible to change parameters, such as channels, station name or frequency of the recording.

A preview becomes visible as fast as the specified file has been read by the converter. This preview gives an exact representation of the files that are created when pushing the button in the lower right corner. Please note that manual changes of the file blocks normal checks to avoid errors.

Good to Know
Files that are read by the converter must contain correct separation characters. Uncheck "Allow for automatic recognition of separation type" and chose alternatives.

If a file cannot be opened, make sure that the file is not used by other softwares and retry.
Version Information:
The most recent version of this software is v 1.6.1.